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Weird and Funny Little Things We All Sometimes Do but Don't Talk About

Just a list of things that I find quite funny and a bit weird that many people do but rarely talk or think deeply about them:

  1. Coming to someone but forgetting the reason or the thing we wanted to tell them
  2. Forgetting if we brushed our teeth (touching the brush if it's wet)
  3. Finding the angle of the fridge doors that makes the light switch off (same with other lights and buttons in the house)
  4. Wrapping the blanket under our feet in the bed
  5. Opening the fridge, not knowing what we came for
  6. Checking the time on the phone but instantly forgetting (checking again)
  7. Touching the pocket because we felt a non-existent mobile phone vibration
  8. Asking "What?" but realizing that we understood clearly
  9. Being unable to write without mistakes when somebody watches us
  10. Automatically answering "Yeah!" even though we didn't understand the question
  11. Not knowing what we have just read cause we got lost in thoughts
  12. Not being able to remember any jokes when trying to tell one
  13. Imagining a fight with an attacker or escaping in an epic way (jumping from a window on a tree...)
  14. Looking at one's own reflection in shop windows
  15. Doing gestures to show strangers on the street who don't care at all that we forgot something or went the wrong way
  16. Avoiding saying name or addressing someone because we either forgot or are not sure how formal should we speak to them (rapidly restructuring the sentences in our minds)
  17. Stepping only on the white stripes at crossings (same with various tile patterns on the ground)
  18. Playing with sticks or long objects, imagining that they are swords or lightsabers
  19. Laughing at a joke that we don't understand or don't find funny
  20. Thinking "There must be something on my face!" when somebody looks at us on the street
  21. Imagining talking to someone who is not present
  22. Not being able to count the coins or dropping them on the floor when a long line of people is waiting behind us in the shop
  23. Biting the lip from inside since we feel something rough there
  24. Feeling epic when our favorite song plays and we do ordinary things
  25. Avoiding going to the toilet in the middle of the night even though we know that we will wake up soon and go anyway
  26. Feeling somebody walking behind us when being home alone at night
  27. Closing door to our room when going to sleep even though we are home alone
  28. Walking on curb instead of the sidewalk
  29. Remembering that we wanted to write something more after hitting the send button
  30. Going for a walk but planning the route so that we don't return through the same way
  31. Going to eat something even though we are not hungry
  32. Going to toilet even though we don't need to
  33. Refreshing or checking again a website to make sure that there is nothing new
  34. Waking up early by ourselves when we set an alarm
  35. Checking the time of an appointment multiple times even though we know it well
  36. Feeling sad when somebody we know dies but also thinking this relief that it was not us
  37. Meeting somebody that we have just thought about
  38. Getting rid of ridiculously small dots of dirt under the fingernails
  39. Blowing on soup even when it's not hot anymore
  40. Holding different things in both hands and using them in the opposite way, for example: taking the wrapping off the wafer and wanting to throw the wafer in the bin instead of the wrapping

Keywords: psychology, behaviour, human
#habbit #psychology #everydaylife #kinks

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