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Top 10 Deep, Profound, Serious, Unique and Interesting Anime

So in this article I would like to give a shout-out to some unique anime that made me think a lot because of some deep and profound thoughts and also because they were somehow serious and where I knew that something serious is going on , not like shounen anime, no overpowered characters, no miracles. I like this kind of anime because it makes us think a lot, relating to our own lives. It’s not necessarily a dark anime even though those are usually containing a lot of deep thoughts.

I am intentionally excluding some famous anime such as Death Note, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, Psycho-Pass, Code Geass, Steins:Gate, Mushishi, Death Parade, Inuyashiki, Kara no Kyoukai, Monster (this one is pure gold) etc. because I would rather like to recommend some more forgotten and not that well known shows. (but if you haven’t watched any of the already mentioned ones then go for it as well :D). By the way, this is not a review, just a list of recommendations based on my own taste.

Cowboy Bebop and Czech badge.
Cowboy Bebop and Czech badge.

10. Ojiisan no Lamp

Just a short slice of life OVA describing how times change and how people have to change too.

9. Noir

In the dark world of assassins where humanity seems to be lost, yes even there are just human beings who are dealing with their own problems, trying to understand each other.

8. Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji

How would you act in a situation where your life is at stake, where you have to win in order to survive. That is the time when you learn who you really are. How much bad luck can a human being overcome and what does it take to get the luck on your side?

7. Shinsekai Yori

How do we humans differ from animals? What gives us the right to change this world, to be the masters of this world? And what if our thoughts could materialize and change our surroundings, are we able to control them?

6. Colorful

Sometimes when the amount of problems seems unbearable, when we are feeling lost in the darkness, there is a way that looks like a final solution. Is leaving this world of living really the right way? Isn’t change the right choice? Changing some things in our lives, changing ourselves.

5. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu

Talent VS hard work VS passion. What is more important and is our career or art more important than every day's life, than relationships with other people?

4. Serial Experiments Lain

OK, I am not gonna lie. This anime will make your brain explode. Seriously this is one of the most confusing anime I have ever watched but there are also some interesting problems about human minds and computers, is it possible to connect these and where is the border of what’s real and what’s not?

3. Bokurano

I don’t want to spoil much but don’t expect any miracles in this anime. I’d call it raw. Even children can carry a lot of problems and inner conflict inside them and their psychology can be much more complex than of an adult.

2. Haibane Renmei

A very interesting atmosphere using a lot of religious symbols. How do we deal with problems we don’t even remember? There are things that can’t be changed or fixed and yet we have to do something. Accept them to find a peace of mind.

1. Kino no Tabi

If you like metaphors and allegories than this anime is for you. The main character always visits a nation that represents some human attributes, habits, qualities. Every episode focuses on something else, not giving the right answer or judgment, just showing some aspects of humanity, both good and bad.

A special must-watch deep anime that deserves a special position out of all the lists and ratings:

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Sorry, I know this anime is a legend but I had to mention it here since I’m a fanboy of this one :D. It’s my top one anime. Please note that I am talking about the original anime series NGE and a movie End of Evangelion. There are also remakes or redos which are good but unfortunately a lot of the important things from the original anime is missing so I highly recommend to watch the original. It’s simply a journey of an ordinary boy who’s suddenly confronted with difficult decisions and has to learn how to deal with himself, with his own conscience, laziness and fear. Run or fight? Hide or step forward. Many people hate the main protagonist but as my good friend once mentioned: Hmm maybe it’s because he reminds them of themselves.

So I hope you’ll find something valuable here. It was really hard to make this list since I wanted to mention a lot of shows but at the end I have chosen only the ones I found most interesting and also forgotten so there is a chance you haven’t watched them.


Keywords: profound,anime,manga,Japan,dark
#anime #deepanimequotes #darkanime #bestanime #deepstory

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