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What is a Meditation and How to Meditate?

Meditation, this mystical and mysterious word associated with an image of sages, sitting somewhere deep in the mountains, isolated from the real world. But what exactly is the meditation? Is it really something so strange, something so far from a normal life?

Monk meditating in the forest
Monk meditating in the forest (yea it's a monk, trust me)

What is a meditation

Many people imagine a Buddhist monk (most likely a Shaolin :D) sitting in a lotus position when they hear the word meditation. It is indeed most associated with Buddhism or yoga exercises, all from the Asia. One however doesn’t have to be a Buddhist or a yoga practitioner to meditate. Meditation is everywhere! All the religions know meditation, many other spiritual teachings know meditation, even martial arts know meditation. So what is it?

Meditation in seiza position before karate training
Meditation in seiza position before karate training

I am definitely not a master or a guru in any religion. I have not studied all the meditation techniques around the world but I spent some time researching various types and opinions on this topic. I have tried many techniques and what I want to share with you is just my personal opinion. I am a Christian and I when I have started to meditate, one friend told me that I should immediately stop. She said “Meditation is a dialogue with devil!” I was not aware of any talk with the devil but whatever. There are many people meditating all around the world and everyone has an unique feeling of what the meditation is.

I believe that meditation is simply, the true perception of reality. If you ask me what do I think about energy and chakra meditations, some drugs inducted or natural euphoria states, special breathing exercises and impossible yoga positions, chanting of various texts and mantras, I’d say that none of that is a meditation. However everything can become a meditation! Let me explain. Meditation is in my opinion a state of a perfect focusing on one thing. It’s a state when one calms down and takes a control over his own thoughts. That’s all. It doesn’t matter what he does, it could be singing, training or even working. It’s however much more difficult to stay in a meditative state when doing some activity. Some activities are simply more suitable and support reaching the meditation better than the others, but the actual goal is to turn one’s whole life into a meditation. To be aware of his own mind all the time, to do everything consciously, viewing the reality as it is. Simply to become enlightened. That is in my humble opinion the ultimate goal of a human life.

Meditation techniques

Without further adieu, let me describe some of my favorite meditation variations:

Simplified chakras and energy meridians
Simplified chakras and energy meridians

Here are some additional tips and advice.

Benefits of meditation

So why would you meditate in the first place? There are many benefits to meditation. Here is a list of those that I find most important:

Lotus position meditation in the nature
Lotus position meditation in the nature

So I hope this has been helpful to some of you. I have reserved 30 minutes per day solely for meditation, usually every morning. I also meditate during the day simply when I feel like it and have some time. It’s good to make a schedule in order to make meditation a habit. The goal is to meditate the whole day during every activity which is however not that easy. At first when one tries to meditate, it’s like 1 minute of meditation and 29 minutes of wandering in thoughts and trying to calm down :D. It’ll eventually get better, so just don’t give up! You’ll feel the effects of meditation on your life immediately. I also wrote an article about common practical problems in meditation and how to overcome them.

Update after some time. I wanted to add some new advises here but I have found a beautiful book that describes it all in a much better way that I would ever describe it here. If you are interested in further exploring your inner self through meditation, take a look at Ajahn Brahm's book Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond.


Keywords: religion,buddhism,yoga,relaxation,mind,tutorial,guide
#buddha #dhamma #dharma #yoga #buddhism #meditation #enlightenment #spirituality

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