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Top 10 Deep and Profound Korean Historical Dramas

This article lists my favorite Korean dramas, sometimes called k-drama or Sageuk (사극). They are often different from the classic western shows and contain many interesting and unique ideas. In many of these stories I found unforgettable thoughts which I can use in my life as well. The historical books about Joseon were mostly saved into the present days so there is a lot of information about the period. This is also what makes the dramas unique since they are often based on well-documented events and existing people.

10. The King's Doctor 마의 (2012)

This is a story of a veterinarian who genuinely cares about the animals. He once has to use his skills to save a human too. However, this is unforgivable in the caste system of the old Korean kingdom of Joseon. Veterinarians were much lower than doctors and their taks was only to care for animals. The young veterinarian starts to pursue the path of the doctor nevertheless!

9. The Great Queen Seondeok 선덕여왕 (2009)

This show describes a life of one of the most legendary rulers of the ancient Korean kingdom of Silla. Queen Seondeok was raised away from the palace and her simple life probably made her more connected to the harsh reality than many rulers who are raised in the luxury of the royal family. She encountered death, suffering and many hardships which eventually led to the throne.

8. Yi San 이산 (2007)

Joseon rulers lived in luxury, but the palace was always full of dangers. How to save loved ones in the midst of politics? What is more important, the good of the country or personal joy? This show describes the struggle of a young prince who lost his father due to politics. However, the prince has to live his life in the same place where he suffered the most.

7. Jang Youngsil: The Greatest Scientist of Joseon 장영실 (2016)

Despite being a genius, Jang Yongshil was of a low caste and his life was destined to be a life of a slave. He refused to succumb to this fate and made his way up to the highest places in the hierarchy but no happy endings happen even after that. This show also describes to the viewer the interesting facts about science in Joseon in a very simple and understandable way.

6. The Great King Sejong 대왕세종 (2008)

This show is about the greatest king on Joseon history. Sejong values knowledge and science, and he is the author of the Korean alphabet called hangul. The rigid society of Joseon, however, was often against any progress that would help people. The dilemma between maintaining the old ways and modernizing the country is the main topic of this show. Funny fact, the same actor who plays king Sejong and the same actor who plays his father king Taejong play the same roles in Jang Yongshil.

5. Seo Dong Yo 서동요 (2005)

This show from the Silla period is a very interesting tale of two men, both very intelligent and strong-minded. They both worked in a scientific community called Taehaksa but their path was different. This story shows how a simple difference in human motivation can lead to totally different results and can decide whether our paths are full of light or full of darkness.

4. Sangdo 상도 (2001)

The main idea in this show is the question "What is the most important thing for a merchant?" Is it gaining money, wealth, fame, respect or gainign the hearts of people?

3. King and I 왕과 나 (2008)

This TV show goes against the flow completely! Sometimes it feelsm like the creators deliberately broke some film cliches and many times things happen quite differently than one would expect. This show is a bit dark since it is partially situated in the darkest period of Joseon where the most tyrannical ruler ascended to the throne. The interesting thing is that this show shows the viewer how the tyrant was born in a believable way and at the end the viewer understands and hates the crazy king at the same time.

2. Dae Jang Geum - Jewel in the Palace 대장금 (2004)

The story shows how diligence and never giving up leads to the highest possible achievements in life. We all encounter many falls in our life, similarly to the main character of this show, but these difficult situations can often be used to make us stronger. This show is both emotional and inspirational. This story which one character in the show says describes the whole series: There was a musician who became deaf. He traveled the whole country looking for cure. He met many doctors and healers. Did he cure his ears? No, but he became the best doctor in the country!

1. Hur Jun 허준 (2000)

Hur Jun is a famous doctor in Joseon history. This show describes his life and is full of memorable quotes and ideas. What does it mean to be a doctor? Is the position important? The knowledge? Or the patients? The show describes how kindness and genuine care for people might not lead to the wordily success, but lead to peace of mind and heart.

I hope you found some interesting titles in this article. As I see it, many new dramas being produced today are trying to copy the western style. The shows I mentioned here are keeping their unique feel and are definitely valuable pieces of art. As an extra recommendation, I'd like to mention also Nokdu Flower which deals with the downfall of Joseon and shows how following one's dream blindly can lead to a great disaster.


Keywords: Korea, KBS, MBC, asian, film, movie, TV show
#kdrama #koreandrama #koreanhistory #joseon

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