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Top 10 Deep and Profound Books That Are Actually Easy to Read

I have already written an article about my favorite deep and thought-provoking books. Some might be a little bit challenging to read though. In this list, I would like to share some books that I found quite deep, containing some really interesting thoughts that everyone can relate to, but that I found quite easy to read. These books are really exciting and fun to go through and also enlightening.

Some books contain a lot of profound thoughts but might be hard to understand. Some can offer such thoughts in a simple way that everyone understands.
Some books contain a lot of profound thoughts but might be hard to understand. Some can offer such thoughts in a simple way that everyone understands.

10. Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

A young gymnast looks for something deeper in his life. He meets a mysterious old man who starts to teach him about a deeper meaning of life. This book contains a lot of wisdom and is partially a biography of the author. The book offers various spiritual teachings but in a modern way from a point of view of a modern young man. The author wrote sequels and prequels to this story which are also worth reading.

9. Cloud Cuckoo Land - Anthony Doerr

The book follows several storylines set to different ages. They all have something in common and show how the history forms the future. This book focuses on the importance of books and the preservation of knowledge. It shows how difficult it can sometimes be to deal with our own environment and how sometimes risking in our life can lead to new horizons.

8. Eragon - Christopher Paolini

This might be a bit surprising. Isn't this one of these mainstream fantasy books? It is, but I cannot help it, I remember a lot of interesting thoughts from the Inheritance trilogy, of which Eragon is the first part. The sequels are worth reading, too. The author included really deep ideas into his work. This fantasy story has some unique elements that are rare to be found in the world of fantasy literature. The story follows a classic tale of a poor guy who became a hero, but he had to learn a lot about the world along the way. The author was probably inspired by various philosophies from different cultures. Similarly, the famous J. R. R. Tolkien created an amazing universe with really interesting thoughts as well. Lord of the Rings books are a treasure and are definitely worth reading as they contain much more than the films. Also, Silmarilion left some strong feelings in me.

7. The Dalai Lama´s Cat - David Michie

This lovely story explains the Buddhist teachings to the reader in a simple and very cute way from the perspective of a cat that lives with the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama. This book is a heartwarming source of wisdom that can be applied to our everyday life and find simply more joy and happiness.

6. The Ferret Chronicles - Richard Bach

At first, this might look like a book for kids. Yea, it is actually one of these stories where adults can find a lot of hidden meaning and wisdom and even become little kids again and feel the dreams they once had. The stories of ferrets are set to a universe where ferrets have their own society and serious jobs. It shows how some ideals we had can still be valid even when we grow up from them.

5. Watership Down - Richard Adams

Another book from the animal realm, this time about wild rabbits. This book follows the stories of a pack of rabbits and offers the reader an allegory to human society and our own inner fears and expectations. What I found very interesting was how the author described the animal mind which, compared to humans, is more simple, but in this simplicity can sometimes find more clever solutions to problems.

4. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma

This is a kind of self-help motivational book that shows how the things we gain in life are sometimes not what we actually need to be happy. This novel felt like a huge inspiration to do something nice in my life. It is definitely a book that can lift up one's mind, open new possibilities, and show that sometimes our problems are rooted in the lies we tell ourselves.

3. Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes

This old novel is timeless. It describes the funny story of a noble who gets too carried away by his obsession with old stories about heroic knights and decides to become one of these valiant characters. Except for living in the wrong time where these stories are really just stories. We all can relate to Don Quixote. Sometimes we are also blinded by our own ideas and wishes. Living in illusions might be easier than confronting reality. Sometimes, we too want to help the world, but we simply cannot find a wholesome way to do so.

2. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll

This book simply shows us that our way of thinking might sometimes be too rigid. We often ignore ideas that are too different, too scary, or too crazy. But sometimes these ideas can be something precious that has the power to completely change our life and give it a new direction. I will always remember the words of the Cheshire cat that Alice asked Which way should I go? I don't much care where. that Then it doesn't much matter which way you go. You'll eventually get there anyway.

1. The Jungle Books - Rudyard Kipling

Many people know the Disney films, but now many have read the original book. It is quite different from the films. This book contains several stories from the jungle and contains a lot of morals and wise quotes. It is not just about Mowgli, who has to learn how to challenge his fears, but also about the natural law that affects all living beings. Sometimes we think that we are separated from nature, that we humans are somewhere else. Are we really that different from animals?

I hope you found this list helpful and won't get headache from reading of these books. Let me know in the comments if you have anything to add.


Keywords: reading, literature, books
#books #bestbooks #profoundbooks

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