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Simple Color Picker for Programming in Many Languages and Frameworks

This color picker is yet another one in many on the Internet. I wanted to create a tools for myself to simply have some values, related to colors, that I use often at one place. I implemented standard CSS codes, Latex color definitions, GLSL for OpenGL and Vulkan, etc. The main purpose of this tool is to easily pick a color visually and then simply copy the color to the clipboard. You can just click at the box with the code for an automatic copy. Why not sharing this with the world? Maybe someone will find this useful as well. I will gradually keep adding more outputs to this picker. Leave a comment if you need anything specific and I will gladly add it too.

Select the color

Click to the color box above and adjust the alpha to select the desired color.

Color Preview

You can right click at the preview above and download the image of the selected color.

Sample text with the selected color

Filter Sections

By clicking on the buttons below, you can display only the selected section of the results.

All Codes CSS Latex GLSL C++ CUDA Dart SVG

Color Codes

Hex RGB zero
RGB normalized
Hex RGBA zero
RGBA normalized
RGB with commas
RGB normalized with commas
RGBA with commas
RGBA normalized with commas

CSS Color Picker

RGB percent
RGBA percent

Latex Color Picker

Define Color command

GLSL Color Picker

Vector 4
Vector 3
Vector 4 normalized
Vector 3 normalized

C++ Color Picker

Vector 4
Vector 3
Vector 4 normalized
Vector 3 normalized
Array 4
Array 3
Array 4 normalized
Array 3 normalized

CUDA Color Picker

Vector 4
Vector 3
Vector 4 normalized
Vector 3 normalized

Dart and Flutter Color Picker


SVG and Inkscape Color Picker


Keywords: color selector, editor, image
#colors #colorpicker #programming #css #latex #glsl #opengl

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