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Veterinary Cow Anatomy Skeleton Interactive Test

A tool made for veterinary students for testing their skills of recognizing bones before anatomy exam. The test is implemented on a skeleton of a cow. The image is a public domain drawing by Edouard Joseph d’Alton. The names of the bones were mostly inspired by book called Veterinar Anatomy by Radim Najbrt et al. The red target always points at a certain bone or bone part and the user has to write its name in Latin in the input box. If the answer is correct, the name will not be repeated, if not, a correct answer is shown and the same question will appear again later. I omitted the repeating word musculus for muscle.

If you have some tips and ideas of useful tests that are not already existing in a good quality, let me know. Also please leave a comment if you think that there are mistakes in the tests and I will fix them.


Keywords: education, anatomy, veterinary
#quiz #education #anatomy #interactivelearning #learning

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